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Bo Quoted in Metro NY Newspaper on New Yorkers watching more BDSM porn due to 50 shades of grey.

September 16th, 2012 // 1:21 pm @

New Yorkers search more for BDSM porn compared to rest of the world. At least that is what was said by the adult entertainment site “YouPorn”, and reported by Cassandra Garrison in Metro NY According to the numbers, searches for BDSM-related porn on the site are up worldwide, likely due to the explosion of popularity […]

Category : Alternative Lifestyle &News &Uncategorized

Bo Blaze is the "Alternative" life coach. Specializing in the Entertainment Industry, Alternative Relationships & Sexuality and anyone else who's life is just a little bit left of center. He has 20 years of experience in the music industry and has worked with a variety of entertainers and touring musicians from the "most high profile" to the "completely unknown". He has vast experience with alternative lifestyles & communities including, Polyamory, Leather, BDSM, Kinky, Queer, Fetish, Adult, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Transsexual, Crossdressing, LGBT, Leather Family, adult entertainers, sex workers etc. Bo's own struggle and subsequent success fighting his food addiction makes him an excellent choice as a Bulimia and Food Addiction Coach.