Bo Blaze, PCC, Alternative Sexuality Class List
January 1st, 2010 // 4:16 pm @ Site Admin
The following is a list of current classes that Bo enjoys presenting on as well as his bio and press photos. Please contact us if you have something specific that you don’t see here. Bo can put together a custom class on just about any type of novice BDSM/Alternative Sexuality.
Relationship Coaching – Getting on the Same Side of the Fence
It doesn’t matter if you are Monogamous or Polyamorous, Gay or Straight, Cis or Transgendered, RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD! But what if we told you that there is one simple thing that you can do that will make all your relationships easier? Join bestselling author and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC and his two partners in life and their business “ENM Couples Coaching”; Anna Blaze & Dee Blaze as they explain why great communication, honesty and Integrity are huge, but the simple act of “getting on the same side of the fence” with your partner can change everything.
20+ Years of Polyamory! What we’ve Learned
Whether you call it Poly, ENM or CNM, Polyamory is all the rage. It seems like half of your friends are trying it or are at the least curious. So, what is it REALLY like… even after the new relationship energy is gone? Join bestselling author and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC and his two partners in life and their business “ENM Couples Coaching”; as they fearlessly share all the good and bad of the last 20+ years of their polycule/family. Have questions about Ethical Non-Monogamy? This is the place to get 3 different unique perspectives from 3 professional ENM coaches who have done this for real, day in and day out for 20+ years.
Coaching Couples on Ethical Non-Monogamy
Polyamory is not easy, there we said it. But take it from us, a polycule/family that’s been together 20+ years, it is not only possible but amazing when it’s done ethically with integrity. What can be especially difficult is the transition from monogamy to polyamory for an existing couple and what that will look like for them. Join bestselling author and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC and his two partners in life and their business “ENM Couples Coaching”; Anna Blaze & Dee Blaze. They will not only talk about opening up an existing couples relationship but also how to improve your existing Poly relationships.
Ethical Non-Monogamy: Is Polyamory a Pipedream? with Bo Blaze, PCC
Polyamory can be described as, “responsible, non-monogamous, consensual, relationships with more than one partner”. It can take many forms, as there is no one “right way” to be polyamorous. Join bestselling author of the book “50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners” and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC as he shares his 20+ years of poly experiences as well as observations from his coaching practice. He’ll explain why successful polyamory is rooted in integrity, communication and dealing with jealousy by letting go of preconceived dogma & traditions you’ve been force fed since youth. For more info on Bo, please visit
Jealousy – The Green Eyed Monster with Bo Blaze, PCC
From the most experienced poly group to the monogamous couple, jealousy affects us all and don’t let anyone tell you different. This class will help you create a healthier relationship and explore ways to deal with and understand your jealousy. Join “Alternative Life Coach” Bo Blaze, PCC and find out if you are a good fit for poly, how to unlearn core beliefs that generate jealousy and how fear is the root of all jealousy. For more info on Bo, please visit
50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners with Bo Blaze, PCC
(Goes great with a book signing)
SM 101 with Bo Blaze, PCC
It’s time for some BDSM101, and who better to teach this class then the bestselling author of the book “50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners” and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC. Bo will cover some of the most important things you need to know when you get started with BDSM. He’ll cover everything from consent to communication, including a look at how to find partners and a primer on where and where not to hit on the body. This is an interactive class and Bo will be taking Q & A and answering all your questions. If you are new to the scene, new to a specific type of play or just have some burning questions, this is the class you don’t want to miss.
Communication! aka “Knowledge is Power” with Bo Blaze, PCC
Whether it’s in ‘the vanilla’ or BDSM world, communication is the Key to every relationship! Join bestselling author of the book “50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners” and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC as he explains his infamous “triangle of communication” and gives us a fun yet passionate look at this most important of all scene skills. Get into your partner’s head and find out what they really want and need… Then feel free to liberally use it against them if you wish! Knowledge is power, knowledge is safety, knowledge is the tool we use to create intensity!!! For more info on Bo, please visit
The DeTails of Flogging with Bo Blaze, PCC
(Can also bring selection of Details Toys floggers for demo and sale after)
This is a great beginner to intermediate class taught by Bo Blaze, author of the book “50 Shades of Curious” and co-owner of the popular flogger company This class was the inspiration for their instructional DVD of the same name. Bo will show you why he feels specific throws are less important than getting comfortable with your flogger and yourself. You’ll learn techniques to build confidence and accuracy and get a good overview on various hides and materials, which along with throws and angles, all come together to create both stingy & thuddy sensations. Live demonstrations and important basics like, “where and where not to hit” will round out this fun, laid back but very informative look at flogging. For more info on Bo, please visit
Beginning BDSM for Couples – How to spice things up in your bedroom
There are no rules in BDSM except for consent, so whether you just want some playful spanking before a great night of sex with your partner or you want to explore the cathartic and intense, BDSM can be whatever you want it to be. Join Alternative life coach and bestselling author of the book “50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners” Bo Blaze, PCC and his partners as they give you a reality check on a dynamic that has been popularized in romance novels and movies but rarely portrayed accurately.
BDSM Exploratorium with Bo Blaze, PCC
(Can also bring selection of Details Toys floggers for demo and sale after)
Bestselling author of the book “50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners” and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC will be your guide. Bo will show you some basic “101 techniques” on floggers, whips, canes, paddles and other implements of erotic torment. Basic safety tips including, “where and where not to hit” and all the Q & A you can think of will be addressed. For more info on Bo, please visit
Submissive Female/Dominant Male – How does it work in real life?
“I enjoy being submissive in the bedroom, but do I have to do everything he says?”, “If I don’t do everything I read in the book am I a bad slave?”, “Does it have to hurt?”, In short… NO! There are no rules in BDSM except for consent, so whether you want some playful spanking before a great night of sex or a full 24/7 slave commitment, EVERYTHING is negotiable. Join Alternative life coach and bestselling author of the book “50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners” Bo Blaze, PCC and his partners Anna & Dee as they give you a reality check on a dynamic that has been popularized in romance novels and movies but rarely portrayed accurately.
Accepting the Demon Within with Bo Blaze, PCC
Since birth we have been socialized to act certain ways. “Don’t ever hit a girl”, “never kick a man in his groin”, “you’re a big person, be careful not to hurt anyone”, “Good girls would never do that” etc. Some are excellent lessons on how to act as a civilized human in society, while others are simply the twin fangs of guilt and shame used to control us. Join “Alternative Life Coach” Bo Blaze, PCC as he examines how the demons affect those of us who like to consensually hurt one another? At best it often keeps us from reaching our potential as tops and bottoms and truly making a spiritual connection to your sadism or masochism. At worst it tears at our soul as we perpetuate fearful intentions developed long ago and constantly question “why we want to do these terrible things?” “How could you like that?”, “your unsafe if you do that type of play”, “You are a sociopath!” For more info on Bo, please visit
“So Very Wrong… It’s Right!” aka ”BUTTON PUSHING FOR PLEASURE” with Bo Blaze, PCC
What is it about doing things that are “wrong” that is so darn appealing? Why would taboo subjects like daddy/girl or extreme humiliation play excite us so? Please join bestselling author of the book “50 Shades of Curious – BDSM for Beginners” and Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze, PCC (Who is not only a professional certified coach but also self certified Reaction Junky) as he discusses why “the more it bothers you that you like it… the more I like it!” We’ll explore the excitement/arousal as well as the guilt/shame felt by participating or even fantasizing about play you find morally or socially wrong, or can’t even legally do. We’ll look at how playing with sensitive personal subjects can evoke intense reactions and why Bo truly enjoys “learning everything about you so he can liberally against you!” For more info on Bo, please visit
Bo Blaze is a PCC certified “Alternative” life coach; specializing in Alternative Sexual Relationships & Non-Traditional Lifestyles. He is the author of the bestselling book “50 Shades of Curious: BDSM for Beginners” and is a nationally known expert on Ethical Non-Monogamy (Polyamory), Kink, Lifestyle BDSM, the Fetish World and LGBTQ issues. He has taught and lectured all over the country at hundreds of universities, conferences and various alternative events. He is a winner of the Pantheon of Leather President’s Award and has helped thousands learn to practice Safe, Sane & Consensual BDSM as Novice Group Facilitator for 13 years & Board Member Emeritus, for The Eulenspiegel Society (TES), the oldest BDSM support and education group in the Country.
Dee Blaze & Anna Blaze are ENM/polyamory couples coaches with over 20+ years of experience and co-own the business, “ENM Couples Coaching” with their partner Bo Blaze. For more information please visit

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