Rabindra Sarkar talks about living an alternative life with Alternative Life Coach Bo Blaze

Rabindra Sarkar talks about living an alternative life with Alternative Life Coach Bo Blaze

May 3rd, 2012 // 1:19 pm @

Rabindra Sarkar is popularly known as “rock star of San Diego”. He can be found almost daily at the Seaport Village in San Diego, CA., balancing rocks in a superhuman way.  “Rabi” is a Reiki Master and credits ‘the energy that all things possess’. as the way he is able to accomplish his magical feats. Alternative Life Coach, Bo Blaze caught his rock balancing on a quick video and then discusses what it means to live an “alternative life” with this fascinating man.

CLICK THE YOUTUBE LINK IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT ONCE THE VIDEO STARTS to see it in a larger format. He’s speaking English, but trust us… you’ll need the subtitles.


Rabindra Sarkar "The Rock Star of San Diego"

For more information,
visit Rabindra’s facebook page

What does
living an alternative life
mean to you and
why is it so important?
Let us know what you think.
Email Coach@Alternativelifecoach.com

Category : Living an Alternative Life &Story Archive &Truth &Uncategorized

One Comment → “Rabindra Sarkar talks about living an alternative life with Alternative Life Coach Bo Blaze”

  1. John F. O'Byrne

    8 years ago

    If u have a book on "The Art of Rock Balancing " would appreciate knowing how to obtain. Enjoyed u in San Diego.


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Bo Blaze is the "Alternative" life coach. Specializing in the Entertainment Industry, Alternative Relationships & Sexuality and anyone else who's life is just a little bit left of center. He has 20 years of experience in the music industry and has worked with a variety of entertainers and touring musicians from the "most high profile" to the "completely unknown". He has vast experience with alternative lifestyles & communities including, Polyamory, Leather, BDSM, Kinky, Queer, Fetish, Adult, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Transsexual, Crossdressing, LGBT, Leather Family, adult entertainers, sex workers etc. Bo's own struggle and subsequent success fighting his food addiction makes him an excellent choice as a Bulimia and Food Addiction Coach.