Should Gay History Be Added to Public School Curriculum’s?

Should Gay History Be Added to Public School Curriculum’s?

April 20th, 2011 // 7:33 pm @

The Atlanta Post was looking for quotes from Alternative Lifestyle Experts today on the following question:

Should Gay History Be Added to Public School Curriculum’s?

They were commenting on a recent article by the Associated Press that was taking a look at the current debate over whether California will become the first state to require that gay be taught in public schools.

I think this is a particularly puzzling question.

Since when do we pick and choose what History is?

History is simply what has happened. Do we not teach about a great variety of sensitive subjects already? Slavery, free love in the 60’s, world wars & genocide, the AIDS epidemic- to name a very diverse few.

Gay history should be no More or Less taught than any other history.

News happens every day. “Gay” news too! (GASP) Not sure why we would feel these stories are so unique that they deserve a special place. A place “we do not speak of!?!”  I really can’t believe California or any other state must, “require” any type of relevant history be taught.

Seriously, what is wrong with people… is it just me, or are we really that pathetic?

This is America, isn’t it? Land of the FREE? FREEDOM of the press and all that? What’s the rational here? “Censorship is bad… except when it comes to fags?”

In a hundred years people will be scratching their heads going:

“So wait… this was a significant portion of the population, who went through tremendous persecution and suffering, and you didn’t think that was important to teach?”

Truly… sometimes I’m just embarrassed to be human…

Grow Up Frightened Masses!

Should Gay History Be Added to Public School Curriculum’s?

I think this is a particularly puzzling question. Since when do we pick and choose what History is? History is simply what has happened. Do we not teach about various sensitive subjects already? Slavery, Nazi Germany, Free love in the 60’s, the Aids epidemic etc.

Gay history should be no More or Less taught than any other history. If it was an important event then it should be taught. – Bo Blaze,

Category : Alternative Lifestyle &News &Story Archive

2 Comments → “Should Gay History Be Added to Public School Curriculum’s?”

  1. mike

    13 years ago

    No we shouldn’t teach gay history in American school wtf that’s not history. Why? Cuz they wanna get there point accross no this is not what America was built on. What gay people make a lil noise and there we go trying to makem happy if u wanna be gay go ahead be gay but don’t bring it to the schools u know how bad schools will get or how may schools will loose kids, ill be pulling my kids out of school to home school I don’t want my kid learning gay history hell no never, I don’t want my kid to head the wrong way gay is not permitted in my family we believe god made women and men for one reason so we can kids family not with men with men or womem that a big no so we need to keep that out of schools


    • admin

      13 years ago

      Hi Mike
      Thanks for the comment.
      I applaud your strong convictions regardless of the fact that I disagree with them.
      However, shouldn’t schools teach what is?
      50 years ago, you didn’t like your kids going to school with Black people, would it have been right for the schools to not teach about slavery and civil war?
      I believe schools should teach HISTORY, the REAL history, what REALLY happened. Not an edited version. If the struggle for gay rights was not a major story, then of COURSE it shouldn’t be added to history just to make a minority happy. But it IS a major story and should be reported like any other event in history.



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Bo Blaze is the "Alternative" life coach. Specializing in the Entertainment Industry, Alternative Relationships & Sexuality and anyone else who's life is just a little bit left of center. He has 20 years of experience in the music industry and has worked with a variety of entertainers and touring musicians from the "most high profile" to the "completely unknown". He has vast experience with alternative lifestyles & communities including, Polyamory, Leather, BDSM, Kinky, Queer, Fetish, Adult, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Transsexual, Crossdressing, LGBT, Leather Family, adult entertainers, sex workers etc. Bo's own struggle and subsequent success fighting his food addiction makes him an excellent choice as a Bulimia and Food Addiction Coach.